Update (Jan 4th) re: Return to School on January 5th, 2022

Good afternoon Wildcat Parents and Guardians,


We are thinking of all of you, as each us along with our own families navigate this ever-changing landscape.  With that, we know having some information always helps, just a little bit.

First off, and most importantly, a reminder that on-line learning begins on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. The province has indicated that students will remain in remote learning until at least January 17, 2022, subject to public health trends and operational considerations.

On January 5, 2022, our staff will be posting instructions for start-up, learning tasks and scheduled information for the week on their class D2L Brightspace page prior to 11am.  Learning will be a combination of "synchronous" and "asynchronous."  Synchronous may also consist of time when an educator is available by email or Microsoft Teams to answer a question, work with a small group, or be available to students.

We have deployed many devices based on your requests.  Thank you for responding so quickly as you can imagine; collecting, tracking and distributing devices requires alot of planning, coordination and legwork.   Please email our VP, [email protected] if you have any needs or follow-up concerns with these loaned devices. 

Some families have inquired about internet hotspots.  These are not being loaned out this go around.  However, please peruse the attached documents regarding some subsidized internet providers as a support for your family.

Educators will be taking attendance each day as part of our mandatory SAFE SCHOOL POLICY and PROCEDURES, however, it is so important that parents continue to notify our school or their child's teacher if they will be absent from school during the period of remote learning

In the announcement today, the province also noted that emergency child care for identified essential workers, including health care workers and other eligible front line workers. It is anticipated that this will begin next week and further information will be made available by the provincial government. 

In addition, the provincial government has also updated its COVID-19 Screening Tool: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/ We encourage to continue to use the COVID-19 screening tool on a daily basis and follow the guidance provided.  

We thank you tremendously for your trust, support and public confidence.  It's truly a really hard time for everyone right now.  But please do continue to check your emails, our school social media outlets and both the school and school board's websites for updated information.  Being in-the-know and staying informed is very important, as we move through this.  We continue to promise to share things with you, as soon as we know ourselves.

If anything, try to keep giving gratitude for what we do have and what we can do, and simply know we think Wildcats are amazing!

Stay safe and be well for now everyone,

Mr. Della Croce (P), Mrs. Alderson (VP) and St. John Staff