Muscle Relaxation STRATEGIES for Wildcat Students - Stress Management and Coping...

Dear Wildcat Families,

Please find attached Stress Management and Coping- Muscle Relaxation Strategies for both us, but especially our young people.  Our teachers will try these activities with your children and are designed to be implemented and practiced over the course of 3-4 weeks.   However, we invite you to try them as well.

Each year around this time, needs begin to increase across all ages. This year in particular, we are seeing a bigger increase given the delay of March Break and the impact of Covid-19. These strategies are evidenced-based strategies to help increase distress tolerance, and promote positive mental health and wellbeing with our students.

Thank you for supporting us everyday Wildcat families during this challenging time, it has made "all the difference!"  Watching others practice skills that promote wellness is contagious and this will promote others in giving these skills a try as well!